In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. —Luke 2:1
Have you ever had to take a journey you didn’t want to take? Maybe you had to go somewhere you didn’t want to go or at a time that was nowhere near convenient?
My wife Laurie and I have been on one of those unplanned journeys of late. On September 30 we had a sewage backup in our basement, and were displaced from our home for over two months. The District Superintendent “decreed” that we needed to seek alternate housing. So we had to leave, and spent almost 10 weeks in a hotel while we searched for a new place to call home. We finally found a house to move into (located around the corner from where we were!) but this necessitated packing and moving a few weeks before Christmas. Now, of all the times a pastoral family might choose to move their home, I can assure you that three weeks before Christmas is about the least preferred option.

Stepping back a bit to take in the bigger picture, the unfolding of the familiar “Christmas Story” represents an unplanned journey on a larger scale as God comes to be with us in a most unexpected way.
Mary certainly never expected an angel to show up on her doorstep with news that she, a Jewish peasant girl, would become the Mother of God. Likewise, Joseph certainly wasn’t planning on receiving news that his fiancĂ© was pregnant with God’s Son but that he should proceed with his plans to marry her. God was on the move in our world and this young Jewish couple was swept up in events beyond their control. The only choice they had was whether they would accept what God was bringing them—or resist it. (And really, isn’t that the choice you and I face every single day as circumstances come our way?) What we know of Mary & Joseph suggests that they were prepared to receive what came their way because they had been walking with God their entire lives. Even though the story seemed impossible to believe, they were somehow able to see that nothing will be impossible with God and receive what came to them. Mary’s response to the angel says it all: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” —Luke 1:38a.
Mary certainly never expected an angel to show up on her doorstep with news that she, a Jewish peasant girl, would become the Mother of God. Likewise, Joseph certainly wasn’t planning on receiving news that his fiancĂ© was pregnant with God’s Son but that he should proceed with his plans to marry her. God was on the move in our world and this young Jewish couple was swept up in events beyond their control. The only choice they had was whether they would accept what God was bringing them—or resist it. (And really, isn’t that the choice you and I face every single day as circumstances come our way?) What we know of Mary & Joseph suggests that they were prepared to receive what came their way because they had been walking with God their entire lives. Even though the story seemed impossible to believe, they were somehow able to see that nothing will be impossible with God and receive what came to them. Mary’s response to the angel says it all: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” —Luke 1:38a.
The Hallmark portrayal of Joseph and Mary and the other characters of the Christmas Story always makes them look so composed and serene? But I have to wonder if that’s an honest portrayal of the parents of Jesus? It makes a nice “family photo” as it were, but does it match the reality of their real life together?
Personally, I have much less trouble believing God is with me when the journey is smooth and uncomplicated than I do when I am forced to go to places I don’t want to go at times that aren’t convenient. I have a hunch it was no different for Mary & Joseph during that first Christmas.
Think about what it was like on that unplanned journey God took Mary & Joseph on from Nazareth to Bethlehem… and ultimately to Egypt and back home. Did they ever wonder, as my wife and I have many times on our own unplanned journey these past few months: Where are you in all of this God? I can’t believe we have to take this trip now? Aren’t you aware of our situation? Isn’t being pregnant with your Son enough, why add a long trip to the equation? Isn’t this “piling on” a bit?!
Even with all the visits from the angels to help assure them, I’m sure Mary & Joseph wrestled with a lot of emotions, questions, and doubts about how the incredible news they received would actually play out in their lives.
For example, it must have been hard for Mary to cling to the angel’s promises in the face of the ridicule and shame from family and friends that would have resulted from her being pregnant out of wedlock. Can you imagine the reaction when she finally told her parents the incredible news? I don’t think mom—and especially dad—would have been very happy with her… or with Joseph. I wonder if the trip to see her relative Elizabeth [Luke 1:39-45] was a convenient way to get Mary out of town until the baby was born? Or perhaps Mary needed to see for herself if the angel’s words about Elizabeth’s miraculous pregnancy were true to verify the reality her own immaculate conception—Luke 1:5-25.
In those times when my journey is more difficult, I am more prone to questions and doubt—and yes, whining and complaining. It seems God needs to remind me all the more frequently in those moments that: Yes, Alan, I am still with you; when I said I would never leave you, I meant it.
I’m learning that just because I may not “feel” God with me in a particular moment doesn’t mean that God has “left the building”. In fact my experience has shown me that even though it’s seems counterintuitive, God is often closest to me when God is hardest to see. Perhaps God is so close to us in those moments that the distinction between us blurs—as it did when Mary carried the infant Jesus in her womb for nine months. Often I realize God was in fact there with me in those moments only in hindsight when I look back and say, “The only way I could have done what I did was by God’s grace going with me.”
I think for example of the day in May 2008 when we had to say goodbye to our daughter Hope two days after her birth—an unplanned journey to be sure! I have no doubt that God was with us that day and sustained us to enable us to do what we had to do when it needed to be done. I think more recently of our 10-week unplanned journey this fall that finally led us to our new home. We never would’ve chosen this journey, but God was with us every step of the way, meeting our needs in a thousand small ways, providing a clean, comfortable place to stay in the interim, helping us find the right home for our family at the right time, and helping us get through a very difficult season with our marriage and family in tact.
Indeed God goes with us on all the unplanned journeys of our lives and doesn’t flinch when the road passes through the valleys of suffering and death. And that’s really good news, because, in a way, isn’t all of life an unplanned journey? Each day comes to us; we don’t get to preview it and skip the days that we don’t like. We can only choose to receive what each day brings and struggle to find God in the midst of it all—for God is with us always if we can but train our eyes to see, our ears to hear, and our hearts to be open to receive Christ into our lives anew each day.
God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus at a precise moment in history that we know as the first Christmas, but each of us has a chance to “give birth” to Jesus in our own unique context and circumstances every day we are alive.
I hope and pray that in time we will all learn to see God with us in every present moment and especially on the unplanned journeys that are so much a part of this life.