A song that was popular a little over a year ago was Lady GaGa’s
Edge of Glory. As with most videos today the scenes are choreographed to be provocative as the singer ungulates about in a skimpy outfit belting out the lyrics.
So on one level, the "meaning" of the song seems quite obvious and quite “basic.” A woman wants to be with a man tonight and will stop at nothing to see it happen. It’s time to cut through all the excuses once and for all and follow her heart’s desire—“there aint no reason you and me should be alone tonight.” These lyrics speak to our hearts because they evoke risk, danger, maybe even scandal. We all want to be swept up in a story like this with romance, suspense, and intrigue. As the singer steps out on “the edge of glory,” she hopes to finally experience the deep and abiding love she has been searching for, to finally find that relationship with another person that makes things “right” in a world where so much seems wrong. As the song goes on, one gains the impression that, for whatever reason, this is her last chance and she doesn’t want to miss this opportunity.
But why such urgency and boldness all of a sudden? Why is this woman willing to take this risk now as opposed to before?
When asked about the song in an interview, Lady GaGa revealed that the inspiration for this song came to her as her grandfather was dying. So there may indeed be another layer of meaning to this song. Someone she loved dearly was about to leave this life—“kiss the other side”. So when GaGa sings about being on the “edge of glory” it might actually symbolize that moment of crossing over from life to death. Perhaps the loss of someone close to her helps her prioritize what really matters. Given this background, these lyrics might be about more than raging hormones and animal procreative instincts after all.
Maybe the singer in GaGa’s ballad is willing to hang on “a moment of truth” today, because she now has a sobering reminder in her own life that tomorrow might be too late.
These words, especially the chorus, have been rattling around in my brain during the Christmas season.
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge
The edge… The edge… The edge…
The edge… The edge… The edge
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
Lady GaGa’s lyrics evoke thoughts of another song, written centuries ago. The two singers couldn’t be more different—one a pop superstar, the other virtually unknown to the world of her day—but both messages, at least at their core, seem strikingly similar.

Mary is Jewish, a teenager, unmarried, a virgin!
An angel visited her and told her that God had chosen her for an incredible task.
She will become
Mother of God.
Mary struggles to comprehend this news, as any of us would in her sandals.
She wrestles with the implications for her life—her plans for marriage, her dreams.
She seeks out her “mentor” Elizabeth, whom she learns is herself pregnant against seemingly impossible odds.
From the moment she arrives, Elizabeth is filled with joy—even the unborn child within Elizabeth seems to be rejoicing in the presence of Mary.
“What an honor to be in the presence of the Lord, and of you, Mary, the woman God has chosen to bear his Son Jesus.
Blessed are you and your son!”
Just like Lady GaGa, Mary seems to realize that this is “a moment of truth” for her. Until now, she’s been able to keep this pregnancy under wraps. But soon she’ll have to “go public”. If she’s going to carry out God’s plan, she’ll soon have to tell the rest of the world—not to mention her family and fiancé!—that she’s expecting. Mary has to decide what she will do. Elizabeth seems pretty excited; in fact, her attitude is downright contagious. Mary has had many concerns; but here, in this place with Elizabeth being so supportive, for the first time she dares to believe that things might just work out okay. Mary finally lets her heart burst forth in praise to God.
Mary essentially says, “God, I confess that I’m afraid and uncertain about my future right now. From my perspective, it doesn’t seem that hopeful right now. But because I’m with You, I will trust that things are going to turn out okay for me—perhaps even more than okay. Even though so much seems wrong about this situation, I’m committed to seeing it through and going where you lead. Even though I don’t understand, I choose to cling to the promise the angel gave me. I said I was your servant then and I reaffirm that choice now. Let it be as you say…” Then she begins to sing her beautiful song. I imagine it starting a bit timid at first, and growing in strength as Mary gains confidence:
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord
And my spirit exalts in God my Savior
For He has looked with mercy on my lowliness
And my name will be forever exalted
For the mighty God has done great things for me
An His mercy will reach from age to age
And holy, holy, holy is His name
He has mercy in every generation
He has revealed His power and His glory
He has cast down the mighty in their arrogance
And has lifted up the meek and the lowly
He has come to help His servant Israel
He remembered His promise to our fathers
And holy, holy, holy is His name
I think a modern summary of Mary’s Magnificat could be: “I’m on the edge of glory, and I’m hanging on this moment with You. I am on the edge with You!"
Theologian N.T. Wright says that glory is what happens when a creature does what it was created to do. (The Eastern Orthodox speak of “living up to our logos.”) For Mary, her calling was to be theotokos—the God-bearer, the literal Mother of God. Likewise, for each of us, our calling is to “birth” the God-given potential (or if you will, the miracle) within us. We are each unique creations of our Creator; both our gifts and our limitations are custom-designed for us.
We are each called to step out on the “edge of glory,” whatever that may be for you. We are to embark on our own quest to discover and become that which God created us to be. When we finally rub up against, “the edge of glory,” in our lives, when we find that place where, “our great joy and the world’s deep needs intersect,” then we will live like we’ve never lived before. We will understand why St. Iranaeus could say: “The glory of God is [human beings] fully alive.”
“I’m standing on the edge of something final we call life tonight.”—Lady GaGa
Jesus frequently talked about a kind of final life too. He called it the life of the ages—or eternal life. In the only true definition he gave of eternal life, he said simply that it was found in "knowing God as revealed in himself, the Son of God"—John 17:3.
One thing is certain; today is the only chance we have to make an impact... the only chance we have to know God and love God and others.
We can’t go back to change the past… we can’t control the future…
however, our actions can help to shape the present. Just as Mary did in her own unique way in her specific time and place, we can say "yes" to God, and help him "give birth" to the
future with hope [
Jeremiah 29:11] that God dreams of—for us and for the whole world.
Friends, today just might be our “moment of truth.” As with Mary, God has issued a personal invitation to each one of us. The only question is: How will we respond? Are we ready to take a the leap of faith and step out on the “edge of glory” with God?
I hope we'll all be willing to say "yes"; I hope I'll find you out on the edge of glory with God.