Have you noticed that every year, the retail stores open
earlier and earlier for their so-called "Black Friday" sales? This
year, some stores even opened late Thursday evening! And that says nothing of
the many restaurants and bars that opened Thanksgiving afternoon to cash in on
the football games going on.
There was a time not that long ago that you would be
hard-pressed to find any businesses open on Thanksgiving—and certainly not on Christmas. These were days that
somehow seemed “sacred” and "set apart." Commerce and consumerism took a break so
employees and patrons could be at home with their family—and somehow we all survived.
That's not the way it is anymore, though. Places like Food Lion, Starbucks, Buffalo Wild Wings,
Home Depot, and Wal-Mart do brisk business on Holidays. They assume: If they open we will come and, like
moths attracted to the eternal flame of consumerism, when they open we do come.
The result is that
the "sacredness" of these Holidays erodes a little more each year
until eventually they start to seem just like any other day on the calendar.
As a follower of Christ, I for one am a little troubled by
this trend. Seeing "Black Friday" spread into Thanksgiving Day seemed
particularly bothersome to me—as if some kind of “sacred” boundary was
violated—and I don't think I'm alone. I've seen some "backlash" on Facebook with people
"boycotting" businesses that seem to be in too much of a hurry to
jump into the rampant consumerism surrounding Christmas. It was refreshing to
know that Nordstrom didn't decorate
their stores until November 23—i.e., specifically stating that they are taking
time to celebrate Thanksgiving before jumping into Christmas. However, what they
are doing stands out precisely because most establishments have been playing
Christmas music, stringing lights, and selling Holiday merchandise since
Halloween—if not before.
If you are like me,
you may feel a sense of despair as “Black Friday” spreads its insidious
tendrils into Thanksgiving—a day set aside to focus on gratitude and thanks. Cultural darkness creeps a little
further each year, and it seems that there’s not a thing any of us can do to
stop it.
How should followers of Christ respond to this disturbing
trend? Should we just accept it as “normal” and let ourselves be swept along by
the tidal wave of consumerism and self-fulfillment that has come to be
synonymous with the Season?
I think perhaps the season of Advent on our liturgical
calendar offers us an answer. This is a season when we remember other times in
history when God's people faced fading light and fading hope that things could
be different, times when it surely seemed that “the way things were” was the
way they would always be.
The Scriptures we
read during Advent remind us that into those dark moments came the comforting light of God’s Presence. We frequently recall the Prophet
Isaiah's hope-filled words, spoken ~700 years before Christ, to a people who,
in the face of exile, despaired that light would ever shine again. Don't give
up, says Isaiah; in time, a new king will be born who will reverse the current
trend toward darkness. (See Isaiah 9:2, 6-7)
With the benefit of hindsight, Christians also read those
words of Isaiah as a prophecy of the coming of Jesus—the Messiah, the liberating king. John's Gospel, written a few decades
after Jesus lived, adds that Jesus was the "light
of the world," whose light shone so brightly that no human darkness
could ever overcome it. (See John 1:4-5; 8:12; 9:5.)
This kind of light is
the only light that has sufficient "illumination" to reverse creeping
cultural darkness, in whatever form
it takes in a particular time or place.
In Isaiah’s day, the darkness came from a looming external threat to
Israel of an imminent foreign invasion; in Jesus’ time, the darkness was
imposed upon the Jewish people by the Roman Empire; in our age, it is the insidious
spread of consumerism embodied in practices such as “Black Friday.”
Advent anticipates
and the arrival of the “true light” of Jesus on Christmas that has power to
expose the insanity of what we have
come to consider “normal” and illuminate an alternative
way that we can follow out of the darkness.
But chances are, if we continue to passively accept things
the way they are, and make no real changes to how we live, things will keep
tending toward darkness and chaos.
Eventually, “Black Friday” will take over the whole week!
Advent wreath with four candles lit... Notice how the "first candle" is almost gone by week four. It has given its all to light up the darkness! |
No, in order for things to be different, you and I, whom
Jesus called, "the light of the
world"—Matthew 5:14-16—will
have to consciously choose to shine. We can't simply keep following
the “path of least resistance” and expect anything to change. Insanity
is defined as doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Perhaps you and I are
a bit like the candles on an Advent Wreath?
We have to allow ourselves to be lit
and then shine for all the world to
see—giving all that we are to the
cause of bearing Christ’s light to the world.
If that’s true, then I
believe our biggest challenge—and not just for Advent—is for it not to be benign business as usual in terms of our
Christian practice. Part of the reason the cultural darkness of “Black Friday” continues to spread so rapidly
is that we who claim to follow Christ have not really decided to stand against
it—in fact, often we walk lockstep with it! We may attend worship services, light candles
during Advent, and sing Christmas carols, but it doesn’t seem to impact the way
we live our daily lives. Too often, when
it comes right down to it, we’re virtually indistinguishable from our
“non-Christian” neighbors when it comes to consumerism. I for one would have to admit that I can
easily get caught up in the “rat-race” of the season just like everyone else.
If followers of Christ are to truly be “light of the world,” we will have to be more intentional about claiming our unique identity in the world—while
respecting other points of view—and standing against those practices that are
opposed to the Message of Jesus. We cannot continue to shudder our light for
fear of what others will think. Jesus
calls us to be a people who stand out
from the world around us. If we do our
job right, we will not just blend in; our “light” will attract the attention of
Our churches should
be communities of people who encourage one another to discover and practice the
distinct ways that God has created each of us to shine, and who, together, learn
to let “the light of Christ within us”
shine for the all the world to see—not just during Advent but throughout the
Churches should help us become people who refuse to accept
the normalcy of “Black Friday.” Followers of Christ should demonstrate an alternative way of living in this world—proving
that we really can step off the “consumer treadmill” and survive. I can’t help
but think that if enough followers of Christ made up their mind to do that, I
mean really do it, the light of Jesus would break through in a powerful way
this Advent, and it would make a real difference in our churches, our
communities, and our world.