January 19, 2012
Brady’s 6th Birthday
Dear Brady:
I can’t believe you are six years old today!
I heard a song this morning that reminded me of how I felt when I found out I was going to have a son back in 2005:
I remember sayin' I don't care either way
Just as long as he or she is healthy, I'm okay
And then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen
And said, "You see that thing right there? Well, you know what that means"…
I remember, on the day we went in for the ultrasound to find out if you were a boy or a girl, I told your mom pretty much the same thing that Brad Paisley sings about. “I don’t care about the sex as long as the child is healthy.” I’m sure I meant it on some level. As things worked out, I now have a son and daughter and I love you both deeply; my relationship with each of you is unique.
But I also remember feeling something special when I realized you were going to be a little boy. (I also remember how happy your Pop was too, when we told him.)
You’ve already grown up so much! Sometimes I think you literally grow before our eyes. Your mom and I are so proud of all you’re doing. You’re a bright boy with so much potential in you, and we want to help you realize all God has for you.
I started wondering who he was going to be
And I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me
Quite often your mom and I see you do something and we say, “Oh gosh, he’s just like his dad.” Well, I hope that’s a good thing. Like the song says: Heaven help you… J
I hope you display my best qualities and leave behind the less desirable ones. Most of all, I pray that what I show you reflects God and leads you to seek after God the rest of your life. I have sung this to you since you were a baby and I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart: Let my love give you roots to help you find your wings.
Your mom and I thank God this day for the privilege and responsibility of being your parents. We pray that God would continue to help us live up to that most worthy calling for you and your sister.
Happy Birthday Son. I love you! I look forward to sharing the joy of this day with you and our friends and family.