Thursday, April 2, 2009

This TIme It Worked... Thank Goodness!

Just a quick update... Brady's MRI is now complete and we are back home awaiting results. Once they finally came out for us, they took him back quickly and got started.

Brady did great. (I really think he did better with general anesthesia than with the IV sedation, which makes me think we should have done this in the first place... Oh well...) This time, he was out in seconds, they put the IV and tube in after that, and did the scan. He did not wake up until just after the procedure, which was perfect. He is recovering from the effects of anesthesia now... and we will see how that goes this time. He was a "drunken sailor" last week for a little while.

Thanks for everyone who has been thinking and praying for us. I feel like the support helps us. Now we wait to hear back from the pediatrician later today with results. Probably, that won't be til the end of the day when she has a chance to look at the results herself.

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