Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Brady!

January 19, 2013

Dear Brady:

I can't believe you are seven today!  It seems like just yesterday you were born.  So much has happened since then.  What a fun adventure!  I've learned a lot since I first held you in my arms.  We are "growing up" together.  

You are working hard at school and learning so much about life.  I am very proud of the person you are becoming.  You are a very bright, kind and compassionate little boy.  I want you to be the best You that you can be!

Here are a few scenes from the past year I thought you might like to see.  I can't believe how fast you are growing—before our eyes!

At Sherwood Park in Baltimore.

 Let's go Orioles!!

Fun in the hay!

Happiness is a Boy on a train!

Leader of the Cub pack!

Helping Dad blow out his candles.

Riding "Blackie" at Pop's farm

First day of school at Wade ES.

All aboard for fun!!

The Boy goes sailing on Mr. John's boat

On the Western Maryland Railway w/Mom

Launching the "Titanic."

With Becca at Christmas. 

Shepherd Brady in the Christmas Pageant.
I'm so glad I get to be your dad.  What a joy!  As I watch you grow, I continue to pray what I've prayed since you were a baby:

That God will fill your heart with dreams
And that faith will give you courage to dare to do great things.
That I would be here for you whatever this life brings.
And that my love gives you roots... and helps you find your wings.

Your mom and I look forward to celebrating with you today—and tomorrow.  

Happy birthday son!


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