Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Becca is Home!

Events from Wednesday May 7

After spending her first five days in the NICU at Franklin Square, we got the call late this morning that we've waited for since this whole ordeal started. We found out our daughter Becca was clear to go home. Her jaundice is now down to low enough levels that she can be discharged. DRAT! I never got a picture of her in the little glowworm outfit. ☺

Laurie, Brady, Grandma Gates, and I went to Franklin Square for what we hope is the last time in a while and we fed Becca and she was discharged. We came home and had lunch and we are actually resting this afternoon. There are some very rough days ahead as we get ready to bury Hope and we need our strength for what is coming up.

Windows Live SkyDrive lets you share files with faraway friends. Start sharing.

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