Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Restful Mother’s Day

Events from Sunday May 11

Laurie and I elected not to go to church today. We were just too tired out from the events of the past week. For Mother's Day I cooked some chicken breasts on the grill and we had some macoroni and potato salad that Beverly DeFontes had been nice enough to fix for us, as well as deviled eggs provided by my sister-in-law Patty. As you might imagine, all of us, including Laurie's mom, are very tired after everything that has happened this week. It is good to have a day where we don't go anywhere or do anything. Laurie and I need some time to rest and recoup and start to process all that has just happened to us. The day has a strange quality as we are thankful that we have Brady and Becca with us, but we also feel sorrow that we will never get the chance to know our daughter Hope.

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