Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Brady Meets Becca

Events from Monday May 5

As planned, on Monday evening Wendy and Michael bought Brady back home and we had dinner from Panera Bread courtesy of one of Laurie's friends and colleagues. After that, Wendy, Laurie, Brady, and I went up to Franklin Square to visit Becca in the NICU. Brady got to meet his new sister for the first time. He was definitely curious about the little creature in the bassinet. He got up on a little step stool and kept peering over the side of the plastic guard to try and get a better look at Becca. He said, "Hi Becca." I wonder if he is at all curious where the other one is? (We had been telling him throughout that he would have two sisters and he had been saying "Hope" and "Becca" on occasion.) If he was curious, he did not say anything which was probably a small blessing given the raw emotions right now.

Next Laurie picked up Becca so she could breastfeed. That got Brady a little more worked up, but I picked him up and put him in my lap and that seemed to make him happier. After a few minutes, we were reminded why 2-year olds aren't generally welcome in the NICU. Brady started playing with the privacy curtain around us and running around the NICU, so I took him out in the hall of the main hospital for a while so Laurie could finish. Brady and I also went in the Meditation Chapel at the hospital.

We went back home and it was time for Brady to go to bed. He seemed pretty tired out after his four days being entertained by Aunt Wendy, Uncle Michael, and his two cousins, Allison (11), and Melissa (9). They all seemed to enjoy having Brady around for the weekend.

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