The passage we
often read on the Sunday before Lent begins is an account of the Transfiguration
of Jesus. I was struck by something
this year that I hadn’t thought of before. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke record this story,
John does not. At first it seemed a
little odd that John—whom all the other authors agree was
actually there—does not describe his own experience.
I’m not sure why he doesn’t talk about it, but here’s
a thought:
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The Transfiguration of Jesus Mark 9:2-8 |
Perhaps John’s point
in not describing the Transfiguration experience was to focus us less on John
and more on Jesus—less
on describing a personal “mountaintop
and more on helping others find God in the midst of their everyday lives.
Certainly, that
seems to be the message Jesus tells his disciples as they come down off the
mountain. He urges them to keep what
they experienced “between them” and focus on the ministry that lies ahead
when they return to the “valley” below.
He knows that from this point on, life is going to get harder for his
itinerant band, as they begin to make their way toward Jerusalem and move
toward an inevitable confrontation with the rulers and authorities. If you read the accounts in the Gospels
(e.g., Mark 9:14), you see that a
crowd of needy people waits for them the moment they come down of the
mountain. There is no time to bask in
the “afterglow” of their special experience and feel “superior” to the other nine disciples who didn’t
get to go with Jesus. There is work to be done!
In our modern parlance we might say:
“The retreat was great but all too soon it’s
back to reality.”
entire Gospel reads like a testament to the impact witnessing the
Transfiguration had on his life. His essential message is that
if we have eyes that “see”, every moment we are alive offers
opportunities to glimpse God’s glory.
If we see Jesus, we see God—John
14:9—or as songwriter Michael Gungan puts it:
Our praises will rise,
As we come to recognize,
Jesus is near,
Glory is here!
As the Gospels
make clear (especially if you read Mark’s account), even after the Transfiguration,
the disciples are slow to recognize Jesus for who he really is. Jesus tries to
explain what lies ahead, but no one seems to be able to “hear” what is being
said. Ironically, the ones who got the special
glimpse of Jesus up on the mountain sometimes seem the most obtuse in their
understanding. Jesus gets frustrated,
but he understands. He also remains
committed seeing his journey through to the end.
The “mountaintop
they have just had is important, but only insofar as it helps to prepare them
for and sustain them during the difficult journey that lies ahead.
FOR REFLECTION: Think about a mountaintop
experience in your life? What made it
special? Did it help you “see” God more clearly? How
has it sustained you on your journey through the valleys of this life?
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