Saturday, May 2, 2015

Rebecca May Is Seven Years Old Today

It seems hard to believe that this little girl is seven years old today.  It seems just yesterday we were going to the hospital to bring her into the world.  She'll always be daddy's little girl but she sure is growing up into a beautiful young lady.  (I shall have my hands full in a few years...)
Rebecca Spring 2015

The creative genius at work. :)

Vintage Rebecca. Living life to the full!

With her BFF Sky

With her big brother and friend, Brady

From Christmas 2012.  

 I am very thankful for the gift of Rebecca May.  She has such so much life and creativity within her that its hard to contain -- and sometimes hard to clean up after.  I've often said she carries the "spirit of two" within her -- and of course we also remember Hope Marie today as well, who would have looked just like her, but been her own unique person.  

There was another whose birthday is today.
Happy Birthday Hope Marie
These birthdays and other milestones in life are always bittersweet for mom and dad.  There was indeed another who does not get the chance to grow up and that will always be part of our story.  We will never forget—never stop talking about her and keeping her memory alive.  Nor should we.  On May 4, the day she passed from life support to life eternal, we always pause to remember Hope and visit her grave. 

For today, however, we focus on and celebrate Rebeca's life.  We thank God for our daughter.  I am very proud of the girl she is and can't wait to see the woman she becomes.  

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