Wednesday, May 2, 2018

To My Daughter Rebecca May As You Turn 10

Dear Rebecca May

Dancing as always been a thing for us.  When you were small, I would pick you up in my arms and twirl you around singing “Re-becca! Re-becca! Re-becca! …”  [Sung to tune of Mexican Hat Dance].  I frequently sang you a song by Plumb as a lullaby, promising that you would be “safe in my arms.” I still do it occasionally.  (It’s hard to live up that promise.  Ultimately, I know it’s God—not me—that keeps us all safe in His arms.)  A couple years ago, we even did a very special daddy-daughter dance together.  The lyrics of the song by Steven Curtis Chapman that we danced to said: “I’ll dance with Cinderella, while she is here in my arms. Because I know all too soon, the clock will strike midnight, and she’ll be gone.”

Well, it may not be midnight yet,  but it feels like its at least 11:00 PM.  The years go by fast!  Seems like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms as an infant.  The day you and your sister were born is etched in my memory forever. But now I can barely physically lift you anymore.  We come to a milestone in your young life, as you turn ten years old. How is it possible both my children are in double digits? When did that happen?

Your mom and I are so thrilled to celebrate your big day.  We couldn’t be more proud of the young lady you are becoming.  You are so smart and doing well in school.  You are creative, always imagining and dreaming of who you might be.  (We’ll have to deal with the creative remnant scattered about our property.)  One day you are a rock star, another day you’re the mother of a growing family of American Girl dolls, another you are a NASA Astronaut.  Never stop dreaming.  Whatever you dream, with God’s help, you could become.  You may not do it all, but nevertheless you will persist. Of this, I have no doubt.  

Did you know the name Rebecca means “to tie” or “to bond together” or “to moderate”; also “captivating”, or we might say, “spellbinding”.  I think your name fits you well.  In the Bible, Rebecca was the wife of Isaac, and the mother of Jacob and Esau.  Jacob and Esau were bound together as twins, just like you and Hope were—and are, in ways I probably don’t understand. 

You bind together so much in your life Rebecca. You gather friends around you wherever you go. You also captivate those around you.  Your life carries a sparkle.  I see it when I’m with you, whether we’re working on math homework together or I’m watching you play softball, it’s fun to see the way you enjoy life.  Your laughter is contagious; your spirit it tenacious.  You live life to the full.  Never stop.

One website says, “Rebecca is the name reserved only for the genuine and best women on Earth. They are REALLY cute, beautiful, very smart, driven, have a wonderful and playful personality, and have this cute awkwardness about them. They are fun-loving, adventurous, silly, and always suspicious of everyone. Rebecca has the most amazing eyes ever.”  

I'd say that’s a pretty good summary of my girl! Especially the part about the eyes.  Your "baby blues" have distinguished you from early on.  Those gentle, kind, and loving eyes that can convey so much emotion.  The same eyes that flutter playfully at times roll disdainfully at others—just like your mom’s.  

The website went on to say: “Rebeccas can be confusing sometimes and they can make people go crazy sometimes, but in the end, it turns out everything they do that makes you go crazy just makes you like them just that much more. They're much more than meets the eye.”  

My darling Becca, you are indeed more than meets the eye. We often say you carry the spirit of two within you. By now you are keenly aware that you share this birthday with another. Recently, you told us you were sad because you miss Hope; even last night you were crying. I can only imagine the special bond you and your identical twin sister share even now. I wish Hope could be here to celebrate her birthday too. But I bet she is happy in heaven.  (I’m told parties here on Earth pale in comparison to the heavenly banquet.)  I think you listen to your heart, Hope will tell you to enjoy the day for both of you. 

Before long, some young man (probably more than one!) will tap me on the shoulder and ask if they can have this dance with you.  Then, in an instant it seems, the bell tolls, the stroke of midnight, and "you'll be gone".   Of course, when that time comes I’ll step aside as graciously as I can.  I'll have tears I'm sure, but I'll rejoice you've found a good dance partner for life's journey, and I'll reluctantly let them dance with my girl.  But they better take good care of you or they'll answer to big dad!

Beautiful Becca May, I hope you always remember that—after God—your dad was your first dance partner.   While I can’t hold you in my arms physically anymore, I’ll still do my utmost to keep you safe for as long as I am able.  Our relationship will grow and change, as it should, but I’ll always try to be there for you.  I’m sure God has a special destiny for you, and I look forward to seeing what you become. 

Your mom and I wish you the happiest of birthdays!


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